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Our Mission

To provide a place where people can discover the fullness of God's Love in Christ, an atmosphere in which to appreciate the beauty and wonder of God's creation and the opportunity to be part of a community that encourages spiritual growth and understanding of others.

This campsite is run by the Bunbury Diocesan Trustees on behalf of the Anglican Church of Australia under a lease agreement with the Shire of Busselton. Under the terms of the lease bookings can only be accepted under the following conditions:​​

  • Providing holiday accommodation to financially disadvantaged persons who would not otherwise be able to afford a holiday away from home.

  • Camping by groups participating in organised activities of an outdoor recreation, sporting or educational nature and led by trained leaders.

  • Provision of accommodation to bonafide workers of the church.

  • Provision of retreat accommodation to persons being counselled or families in inter-family fellowship activities.


Per night Fees will increase from 1/7/2024

$17 per adult (17+)

$13 per child (4-16)

Check in time 2:00PM

Check out time 10:00 AM

1 x car per site during busy holiday periods.

Site allocations are subject to change at caretaker discretion.

Additional Information

A deposit of $100 per site is required within 14 days of making a booking, or the booking will be cancelled. Camp fees are to be paid in full on arrival BEFORE setting up camp.

Cancellations: The deposit will be refunded if bookings are cancelled no less than 6 weeks before the book date.

For Electronic Funds Transfer:

Please use your SURNAME as the reference.

Acct Name: Anglican Community Fund

BSB: 706 001

Acct: 3000 7267

Please make cheques payable to: 'The Bunbury Diocesan Trustees;

Eftpos facilities are available.

For all booking and enquiries please contact Campsite Managers:

Eric and Samantha Van Der Wacht

212 Caves Road, Siesta Park WA 6280

Phone: (08) 9755 4588


Cars, Boats & Trailers
All cars, boats and trailers must be left in the car park at all times with the exception of setting up and packing down, dropping off shopping or elderly or disabled persons.  All boats must be washed down on the ramp using the hose provided, NOT in the park.

There are green wheelie bins located throughout the park and at the BBQ areas. Please wrap food scraps before placing them in the bin.  NO bait or fish offal to be placed in the bin at any time.  If you have large rubbish (boxes etc) please take them to the big blue bin at the entrance to the campsite.

Drinking Water
Drinking water is available in the hall kitchen and from the silver taps located at the east end of the hall, at the laundry end of the ablution block and near caravan sites 5, 7 & 10. A charge of $10 applies to fill your holding tank, please see the campsite managers before filling.

Alcohol is permitted, but please keep within the confines of your site. No camper is permitted to wander the campsite consuming alcohol. Please drink responsibly and with consideration to others. Management reserves the right to evict any camper under the influence of alcohol.

Campfires are not permitted in the park at any time.

Smoking is not permitted in or around the ablution block, hall and on site vans. Please consider others when disposing of the butts.

Music & Noise
Please keep noise to a minimum after 10pm.

BBQ Areas
All BBQ’s must be turned off and cleaned after use.  Please do not move the picnic tables.

Kitchen & Hall
Please ensure that you clean up after yourself and everything put back after use.

Washing machines are available for use for a charge of $2.00 per load. There are clotheslines available next to the laundry please use these and refrain from tying ropes around trees.

No pets allowed at any time.

Cleaning fish
All fish and crabs must be cleaned on the beach and offal put back into the sea. Cleaning of fish is not permitted on the campsite.

Contact Us

Street Address:

11 Oakley Street Bunbury WA 6230

Postal Address:

PO BOX 15 Bunbury WA 6231


Professional Standards

If you have a complaint or concern about child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct, please contact Director of Professional Standards Davina Goldthorpe


or please contact the Police.

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