Mothers Union
Mothers Union in the Diocese of Bunbury is part of Anglican Mothers Union Australia, and through this, a member of a worldwide organisation which seeks to share God’s love through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.
Our members are not all mothers, nor all women. We seek to serve Christ in the communities in which we live through prayer and social action, seeking to meet local needs through engagement in projects that particularly support those facing adversity in their family lives.
There are currently 11 Mothers Union branches in our dioceses - in Albany, Boyanup, Boyup Brook, Bunbury, Busselton, Carey Park, Collie, Dunsborough, Katanning, Mandurah and Pinjarra. While our coastal branches are more formally structured, with larger numbers, our inland branches are smaller in number and more informal in their activities. We also have a number of Lone members who live in communities where there is no longer a branch but who still wish to maintain their membership of Mothers Union. Our Lone members receive regular communications and are able to attend events and activities around the diocese. In 2024 we will explore the possibility of an on-line branch.
To learn more about Mothers Union in our diocese and how you can be involved, please contact the Diocese of Bunbury who will pass on your contact information to a member of our executive.
Visit our national website to learn more about what we do around Australia:

Anglican Mothers Union Australia
Praying globally – serving locally
Supporting family life
Advocating for social justice

'Be salt and light:
Shine Brightly'
Diocese of Bunbury
2024 Theme