Parishes & Communities
Covering most of the south west and great southern regions and central country, there are 30 Parishes and Anglican Communities in the Diocese of Bunbury.
Our Vision
We are a Diocesan family, growing into the likeness of Jesus, all owning the ministry of Christ

Including Cowaramup @ Osmington
Including Capel & Dardanup
Including Greenbushes & Nannup
Including Bremer Bay
Including Broomhill, Badgebup & Pundellup
Including Lake Biddy, Lake King & Newdegate
Including Mourambine
Including East Albany & Collingwood Heights
Including Coolup & Dwellingup
Including Manjimup, Dingup, Northcliffe/Pemberton & Upper Warren
Including Cranbrook, Mount Barker & Tenderden
Including Borden
Including Dumbleyung
Including Arthur River, Marradong, Quindanning, Darkan & Wandering